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Massage good for arthritis, Back Pain, Blood Pressure, Digestive disorders, Hormonal imbalances, Migraine headaches, Muscle tightness, Sleep disorders, Sports injuries, Stress-related conditions.
Through a gentle yet effective therapy, foot massage reflexology relieves tension and clears blockages by stimulating sensory receptors in the nerve fibres of the foot. As a result, energy is produced that branches to the spinal cord where it is dispersed throughout the entire nervous system. It is based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the entire body on the feet.
A foot massage reflexology session greatly relaxes the body, thereby reducing any constriction of blood vessels and vastly improving circulation. In turn, it helps to break up and dissolve crystal deposits caused by an excess of uric acid, which has built up in the body and settled in the feet.
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